Assignment 1 due Feb 23
Making a checkerboard with checkers (15/20)
As usual the art department has given me all kinds of assets that have the wrong orientation and scale. In this assignment the idea is to get all the parts
of a checkerboard all put together.
Step 1:
Let's create a Scene1, I hope you remember how to do it from Graphics class last term.
Replace Mario.obj with Plane.obj (see right panel). Use "8x8_checkered_board.png" to texture the surface. You will find that the plane is not on the right axis
you can fix this with a matrix rotate.
Step 2:
Add a new Actor, a checker piece. You can use any of three textures I have provided.
Once again, use the scale and orientation.
Step 3:
Place a singular checker on a square. This might take some thinking and tinkering.
Step 4:
Make sure all the checkers are parented to the checkboard and move to checker board around to denonstrate it is parented.
For added marks try the following: (Up to 5 more)
Extra: Add all the checkers in the proper places all parented correctly
Extra: Can you add lights?
Extra: Can you spin the board or slerp the board around?